Krill oil

€ 18.95 EUR
(4.5 stars) • 35 reviews


In the vast, icy waters of Antarctica, where nature's secrets are often hidden beneath layers of ice and snow, a groundbreaking discovery unfolded. It began with a team of marine scientists, intrigued by the robust health of sea creatures in these extreme conditions. Their curiosity led them to the Antarctic krill, a small crustacean thriving in these frigid waters.

As they delved deeper, the scientists uncovered something extraordinary: the krill were rich in a unique oil, brimming with nutrients. This was no ordinary oil; it was a powerhouse of Omega-3 fatty acids, phospholipids, and astaxanthin – elements crucial for human health. The discovery sparked a wave of research, revealing how this oil could benefit heart health, cognitive function, and joint mobility.

The journey from discovery to your bottle of VITASTAN KRILL OIL encapsulates a blend of nature's genius and human ingenuity. Our quest to bring you the purest form of this oil has been a journey of passion, science, and dedication to excellence.

Infographics of Extraction Process:

Harvesting the Krill: Our process begins in the unspoiled Antarctic waters, where krill are sustainably harvested. We use eco-friendly methods that preserve the ocean's delicate ecosystem.

Extracting the Oil: The krill are then transported to our state-of-the-art processing facility. Here, through a gentle and precise extraction process, we separate the oil, ensuring its nutrients remain intact.

Purification and Potency: Our advanced purification techniques remove any impurities, resulting in a clear, potent oil. This process retains the natural balance of Omega-3s and phospholipids, making our krill oil highly effective.

Encapsulation and Quality Check: The pure oil is then encapsulated in soft gels, designed for easy consumption. Each batch undergoes rigorous quality checks, guaranteeing you receive a product that meets the highest standards.

This careful, meticulous process is at the heart of VITASTAN's commitment to bringing you a supplement that is not just good for you but also respectful of nature's delicate balance. Your journey towards optimal health is anchored in our dedication to science, quality, and the natural potency of Antarctic krill oil.

Embracing the Purity and Sustainability of Nature

The Essence of Purity and Nature

In the heart of Antarctica's icy expanse, where the air is as crisp as it is clear, thrives the source of our prized supplement – the Antarctic krill. This remote, unspoiled region of the world is a bastion of purity, untouched by industrialization. It's here that VITASTAN KRILL OIL begins its journey, embodying the essence of nature in its purest form.

Our Krill Oil is a testament to the power of nature. Extracted from the depths of one of the planet's most pristine ecosystems, it carries the purity of its origin in every drop. This unadulterated source ensures that each capsule of VITASTAN's Krill Oil is not just a health supplement, but a slice of nature's untouched wonder.

Sustainable Harvesting: Our Promise to Nature

At VITASTAN, we believe in harmony with nature. Our harvesting practices are a reflection of this belief. We employ sustainable methods that ensure the wellbeing of the Antarctic ecosystem. Our eco-friendly approach involves:

Selective Harvesting: Targeting only mature krill populations, ensuring the preservation of the species.

Regulated Quantities: Adhering strictly to global quotas to prevent overfishing.

Eco-Conscious Techniques: Utilizing advanced technologies that minimize environmental impact and prevent by-catch of other marine life.

Our commitment to sustainability is not just about following regulations; it's about respect and responsibility towards the planet. By choosing sustainable practices, we ensure that the gifts of nature remain abundant for future generations.

Testimonials: Why Customers Choose Natural with VITASTAN

John's Story: "After years of relying on synthetic supplements, I switched to VITASTAN's Krill Oil. The difference was clear. It's not just a supplement; it's a natural health solution. Knowing it comes from the pure waters of Antarctica makes me trust its quality and efficacy."

Emma's Experience: "As someone who values natural remedies, finding VITASTAN was a game-changer. Their Krill Oil has become a cornerstone of my wellness routine. The fact that it's sustainably harvested aligns with my environmental values."

Alex's Reflection: "I was always skeptical about supplements. But VITASTAN's commitment to natural, pure, and sustainable practices convinced me to try their Krill Oil. It's more than a health product; it's a piece of nature that supports my health in the most organic way possible."

In every bottle of VITASTAN KRILL OIL, you find more than just a supplement; you discover a connection to the pristine, unspoiled beauty of nature and a commitment to its preservation. It's not just about being healthy; it's about being naturally, sustainably healthy.

Scientific Studies on Krill Oil

Summary of Scientific Studies

Impact on Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol (LDL-C): Studies have shown a significant reduction in LDL-C levels with krill oil supplementation. This reduction is particularly notable in treatments lasting more than 12 weeks.

Effect on High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol (HDL-C): There is a significant increase in HDL-C levels following krill oil supplementation, a benefit observed across different dosages and treatment durations.

Reduction in Triglycerides (TG): Krill oil has been found to significantly reduce triglyceride levels, with consistent results in various dosages and particularly in treatments exceeding 12 weeks.

Overall Lipid Profile Improvement: The comprehensive analysis indicates that krill oil supplementation can effectively improve the lipid profile, particularly benefiting individuals with dyslipidemia.

Expert Opinions and Endorsements

Bioavailability and Therapeutic Effect: Krill oil is noted for its higher bioavailability of long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids compared to fish oil. This feature is attributed to the phospholipid composition of krill oil, enhancing the absorption and effectiveness of the fatty acids.

Antihyperlipidemic Properties: Unlike fish oil, krill oil acts more as an antihyperlipidemic agent, particularly lowering triglycerides and cholesterol levels in individuals with elevated lipid levels.

Antioxidant Components: Krill oil contains astaxanthin and vitamin E, potent antioxidants, contributing to its overall health benefit.

The Holistic Benefits of Krill Oil

Unveiling the Health Benefits

Krill Oil, a treasure from the depths of the Antarctic Ocean, offers a myriad of wellness benefits. While we adhere to the highest standards of transparency and do not make unverified medical claims, the following benefits are backed by general research findings and user experiences:

Improved Heart Health: Rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, Krill Oil contributes to a healthier heart. It's known to support healthy cholesterol levels and improve circulation.

Enhanced Joint Mobility: Users have reported improved joint flexibility and reduced discomfort, thanks to the anti-inflammatory properties of Krill Oil.

Boosted Mental Clarity: The Omega-3s in Krill Oil are vital for brain health. Many users experience enhanced cognitive functions, including better memory and concentration.

Overall Well-being: From supporting eye health to aiding in better sleep, Krill Oil is a boon for holistic wellness.


Please note that individual results may vary, and VITASTAN's Krill Oil is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We always recommend consulting with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen.

Welcome to our friendly FAQ section, where we dive into the essentials of incorporating VITASTAN KRILL OIL Oil into your wellness journey. Let's explore who can benefit from it, how to take it effectively, and what to expect.

Who Should Take Krill Oil?

Active Adults: If you're someone who values staying active and is looking for a natural boost to joint health and muscle recovery, Krill Oil could be your ally.

Professionals and Students: For those who need a mental edge, whether in the office or the classroom, Krill Oil's cognitive benefits can be a game-changer.

Heart Health Focused: Individuals looking to support their cardiovascular health might find Krill Oil a valuable addition to their daily regimen.

Wellness Enthusiasts: If you're someone who prioritizes overall well-being and prefers natural supplements, Krill Oil aligns perfectly with your health goals.

How to Take Krill Oil?

Dosage: The recommended daily dosage is typically one to two capsules, but it's best to follow the specific instructions on the label or consult with a healthcare provider.

Best Time to Take: Krill Oil can be taken at any time of the day. However, taking it with a meal can aid in absorption.

Consistency is Key: Regular, daily consumption is crucial for experiencing the full benefits.

When to Expect Results?

Immediate vs. Long-Term Benefits: Some benefits, like enhanced mental clarity, might be noticeable within a few weeks, while others, like improved joint health, may take a bit longer.

Individual Variations: Remember, everyone's body reacts differently. Patience and consistency are important.

Scenarios & Personas

Meet Linda, the Marathon Runner: "Since I started taking VITASTAN KRILL OIL my recovery times have improved, and my joints feel more resilient. I take my dose every morning with breakfast."

Here's Tom, the Busy Executive: "Krill Oil has been my go-to for maintaining focus during long meetings. I've noticed a clear difference in my cognitive function since incorporating it into my routine."

Remember, while Krill Oil is a powerful supplement, it's not a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Always consult with a healthcare professional to ensure it's right for you. Our goal at VITASTAN is to provide you with high-quality, natural supplements that complement your lifestyle and wellness objectives.

At VITASTAN, your health and safety are our top priorities. While Krill Oil is a beneficial supplement for many, it's essential to be aware of certain precautions to ensure its safe consumption. Here's a guide to help you make an informed decision:

Who Should Consult a Healthcare Professional Before Taking Krill Oil?

Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women: If you are expecting or nursing, it's crucial to discuss with your doctor before adding Krill Oil to your routine.

Individuals with Allergies: Especially those with shellfish allergies, as Krill Oil is derived from a crustacean.

People on Certain Medications: Particularly blood thinners or anti-coagulant drugs, as Krill Oil can potentially interact with these medications.

Those with Pre-existing Medical Conditions: Such as heart disease, high blood pressure, or cholesterol issues. It's important to ensure Krill Oil is safe in conjunction with your health conditions.

Contact Information for Queries

Customer Service Line: For any questions about Krill Oil or its suitability for you, please don't hesitate to call our friendly customer service team at [Phone Number].

Health Advisor Contact: If you need more detailed advice or have specific health concerns, our in-house health advisor is available at [Email Address].

Additional Information

Dosage Guidelines: Please adhere strictly to the recommended dosage on the product label unless advised otherwise by a healthcare professional.

Storage Instructions: Store the product in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to maintain its efficacy.

Side Effects: While rare, some individuals may experience mild side effects like stomach discomfort or fishy aftertaste. If you experience any adverse reactions, discontinue use and consult your healthcare provider.


Remember, VITASTAN KRILL OIL Oil is a supplement and should not replace any medication or medical advice from your healthcare provider. Always exercise caution and seek professional advice when it comes to your health and wellness.


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