180 Vegan Pills

Vitamin D3

€ 19.95 EUR
(4.5 stars) • 35 reviews

At VITASTAN, we are passionate about bringing you products that not only improve your health, but also bring you closer to the nature of their ingredients. One of our most outstanding products is our Vitamin D3 supplement, scientifically known as cholecalciferol, but what does this really mean for you?

Natural Origin: Vitamin D3, or cholecalciferol, is a special form of vitamin D. It is formed naturally in your skin when you get sick. It forms naturally in your skin when you are exposed to the sun, earning it the nickname "sunshine vitamin."

Our Vitamin D3 supplement, extracted from sunflower oil, not only gives you all the benefits of this "sunshine vitamin," but also takes advantage of the purity and quality of sunflower oil, known for its own health benefits.

Vitamin D3 is generally considered more effective than Vitamin D2 in raising and maintaining vitamin D levels in the blood. This is due to Vitamin D3's greater affinity for Vitamin D receptors in the body and its ability to convert to the active form of the vitamin more efficiently.

While Vitamin D3 comes primarily from animal sources and synthesis in the skin, Vitamin D2 is found in some plants, fungi and yeasts. The efficacy of Vitamin D2 compared to D3 has been a subject of research, but many experts prefer D3 because of its greater potency and stability.

Live the Difference with VITASTAN: With our Vitamin D3 supplement, we bring you the best of nature, helping you maintain a healthy and energetic life.

Natural Sources of Vitamin D3

Did you know that sunlight not only brightens your day, but also nourishes you? Yes, the sun is the main source of Vitamin D3, that wonderful vitamin that strengthens your bones and improves your well-being.

For All Lifestyles: We understand that for vegetarians and vegans, getting enough Vitamin D3 can be a challenge. That's why VITASTAN offers supplements specially designed to ensure that everyone can enjoy the benefits of this vital vitamin.

Comparison to other forms of Vitamin D:

The Effective Choice: At VITASTAN, we chose Vitamin D3 for a powerful reason. It is more effective than Vitamin D2 at keeping your vitamin D levels healthy. Why? Because it binds better to the receptors in your body and is more efficiently converted into the form your body needs.

At VITASTAN, we are committed to bringing you nature's best. Our Vitamin D3 supplements are your perfect ally for a healthy and energetic lifestyle.

Surprising Stats: Many in the U.S. aren't getting enough Vitamin D3. VITASTAN is here to tell you that average intakes are lower than recommended – men, women, and even kids are falling short.

The Bigger Picture: Only 28% of Americans over two years old are supplementing their diet with Vitamin D. This number grows with age, indicating an increased awareness in older adults about the importance of this vital nutrient.

Why Vitamin D Supplements Matter:

Diet vs. Supplements: When it comes to getting enough Vitamin D, supplements make a big difference. Without them, most people only get about 192 IU daily, but with supplements, this number jumps to nearly 800 IU!

A Varied Approach: Some go for high doses, with about 3.2% of U.S. adults taking over 4,000 IU daily. It’s all about finding the right balance for your health.

The Sun and Your Health

More Than Food: Vitamin D levels aren't just about diet. Sun exposure plays a key role, and animal foods have a potent form of Vitamin D not counted in regular surveys. This means many might have better Vitamin D levels than their diet alone suggests.

VITASTAN's Insight: Understanding Vitamin D Levels

National Snapshot: A look at recent data reveals that most Americans over one year old are doing okay with their Vitamin D levels. However, there's still a significant portion at risk of not having enough.

Diversity in Deficiency: Vitamin D deficiency risks vary across different ethnic and age groups, highlighting the need for tailored approaches to health.

VITASTAN's Commitment

Your Wellness Partner: At VITASTAN, we're committed to helping you understand and meet your Vitamin D needs for a healthier, brighter life.

Join VITASTAN in the Journey to Optimal Health!

Bone & Teeth Health: Essential for maintaining healthy bones and teeth, Vitamin D3 from VITASTAN ensures your body gets enough calcium and phosphorus.

Muscle Strength: It’s not just about bones. Vitamin D3 boosts muscle function, crucial for preventing falls and fractures, especially as we age.

Why Vitamin D3 Stands Out

Sunshine Power: Unique among vitamins, D3 is naturally produced when you soak up the sun. It’s our special “sunshine vitamin” that brings a bit of sunlight into your life, every day.

More Than Just Vitamin D: Unlike other forms, D3 is incredibly efficient at raising your body’s Vitamin D levels for better overall health.

Building Stronger Bones with VITASTAN

Preventing Osteoporosis: With VITASTAN's Vitamin D3, you're not just maintaining bone health; you're actively fighting against osteoporosis.

Safety Against Falls: Strong bones mean reduced risk of falls and fractures, making D3 a must-have as you age.

Vitamin D3 for Every Stage of Life

For Everyone: From infants to the elderly, VITASTAN’s Vitamin D3 supports strong bones through every stage of life.

Boosting Immunity: Keep your immune system strong with D3, particularly crucial in today’s world.

Emotional and Physical Wellness: Beyond bones, Vitamin D3 supports mental health and helps fend off chronic illnesses.

Choose VITASTAN for a Healthy, Active Lifestyle

Your Partner in Wellness: Embrace a healthier, more vibrant life with VITASTAN’s Vitamin D3. It’s not just a supplement; it’s your daily dose of sunshine and strength!

Join the VITASTAN Family and Feel the Difference Today!

At VITASTAN, we understand that Vitamin D is crucial to keeping your bones strong and your body healthy. But did you know there are specific recommendations on how much Vitamin D you need each day? Let us explain it simply.

VITASTAN Unveils the Secrets of Vitamin D3 for Your Health and Happiness

Discover Vitamin D3 with VITASTAN

Essential for You: Vitamin D3, or cholecalciferol, is crucial for healthy bones, teeth, and immune function. It's one of the most effective forms of vitamin D, easily used by your body.

Nature’s Gift: Did you know your body makes Vitamin D3 when you're in the sun? It's a natural way to boost your health!

Why Vitamin D3 is a Must-Have

A Widespread Issue: Low Vitamin D levels are more common than you think, often due to limited sun exposure and diets lacking in Vitamin D-rich foods.

Serious Impact: Lack of Vitamin D can weaken bones, cause muscle pain, and increase fracture risks. VITASTAN's supplements can be your solution to these challenges.

Boost Your Immune System with VITASTAN

Your Defense Strategy: Vitamin D3 is key to a strong immune system, acting as a guard against illnesses.

Stay Protected Year-Round: Regular intake of VITASTAN’s Vitamin D3 supplements keeps your immunity robust, especially in winters or when illnesses are rampant.

Vitamin D3 for Mind and Body Wellness

Beyond Physical Health: Vitamin D3 also plays a role in mental well-being, improving mood and reducing the risk of depression.

Holistic Health Approach: At VITASTAN, we believe Vitamin D3 supports both your physical and emotional health, integral for overall wellness.

VITASTAN’s Advice: Getting Your Vitamin D Right

Know the Numbers: Experts recommend specific amounts of Vitamin D for optimal health, expressed in micrograms and IU. Just remember, 1 mcg equals 40 IU.

Not Just Sunbathing: While sunshine is great, not everyone gets enough. That’s where VITASTAN steps in, offering you alternative ways to get your Vitamin D.

Choose VITASTAN for a Healthier, Brighter You

Your Wellness Partner: Trust VITASTAN for your daily dose of Vitamin D3, and feel the difference in your health and mood.

VITASTAN: Your Vitamin D Ally

For the Little Ones: For infants, adequate Vitamin D is crucial for bone development. Recommendations are based on maintaining healthy blood levels and promoting proper bone growth.

Your Trusted Solution: At VITASTAN, we offer Vitamin D3 supplements that help you achieve these daily recommendations, especially if you don't get enough sun exposure. With our products, you'll be sure to keep your bones strong and your body in optimal condition.

Live the Difference: Take care of your health with the right dose of Vitamin D3.

With VITASTAN, you're taking a step towards lasting wellness!

Before taking VITAMIN D3

Inform your doctor and pharmacist if you are allergic to cholecalciferol, any other medications, or any of the ingredients in cholecalciferol products. Ask your pharmacist for a list of the ingredients.

Tell your doctor and pharmacist what other prescription and nonprescription medications, vitamins, nutritional supplements, and herbal products you are taking or plan to take. Be sure to mention any of the following: calcium supplements, carbamazepine (Equetro, Teril, others), cholestyramine (Prevalite), multivitamins, orlistat (Alli, Xenical), phenobarbital, phenytoin (Dilantin), prednisone (Rayos), thiazide diuretics (''water pills''), or other cholecalciferol (vitamin D) supplements and fortified foods. Your doctor may need to change the doses of your medications or monitor you closely for side effects.

Tell your doctor if you have or have ever had hyperparathyroidism (a condition in which the body produces too much parathyroid hormone [PTH; a natural substance needed to control the amount of calcium in the blood]), kidney disease, or if you have high levels of calcium in your body.

Tell your doctor if you are pregnant, plan to become pregnant, or are breast-feeding. Call your doctor if you become pregnant while taking cholecalciferol (vitamin D3).


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